One Doctor’s Audacious Message of Compassion, Love and Authenticity

Have you been afraid to reveal to someone YOUR truth, whether personal, professional or even spiritual?

This Shot of Inspiration is dedicated to everyone who is ready to march to the beat of their own drum.

Dr. Ron Holt is an out and proud gay psychiatrist in San Francisco, but it wasn’t always that way.

He said his dad tormented and bullied Ron for being gay. However, he knew this adversity would someday become an asset for others from which to learn and grow.

As a doctor, Ron did a literature review on the biology of sexuality and now takes this research with him on the road, talking about how it’s OK to be authentically who you are. This message is inspiring compassion, love and acceptance to tens of thousands of youth across America.

Grown men and women have reached out to Ron after hearing him speak to let him know they were inspired to come out to their husbands, wives and kids.

One young woman at Wayne Student College wrote to Ron:

“I’m not always the best with spoken words so I figured I’d try written. I’m so grateful that I was forced to go to your talk four autumns ago. I went reluctantly only for the grade. I sat there in fear because I knew I’d have to face myself. I really look at that day as the day I started living. I had spent most of the time before that day trying to destroy myself. For the first time I realized I was OK and that I didn’t need to be numb.

“Even though I know a lot of the things you said during your sessions this week, it felt so weird not being there. I spent some time thinking of all the people you were getting the facts out to. I know that most people get something meaningful out of your talks and that lasts a lifetime. I wish everyone was lucky enough to hear you speak because I know it saves people. I know from reading comments on your website and from personal experience. I wish I could pay you back somehow. I hope you know how much you mean to WSC, LGBT people, audiences, and I.”

This is just one of the many people who were inspired by Ron’s message and discovered their own truth and OWNED it.

After Ron and I posted a YouTube video about his community service for the LGBT community, he received the following email an hour after its release:

“Good evening. I am a young gay male (17). I have not been at any of your conferences, but I did see your video on YouTube and would like to personally thank you! I wish someone like you came and told me that being gay is okay a lot sooner than I found out. I told my mother I was gay at 15 and I have been living alone since then, working full time, all because I was gay. Something so small can really change the way people view you! So thank you very much for helping and educating others on this problem of gay hate. I really do appreciate it!”

It may sound selfish, but when you give, you get so much back. The riches come in the experience and discovery of your passion and purpose.

When you have the courage to tell others your truth, it may be hard at first, but it is freeing in so many ways. When you are your authentic self, the people who really always loved you will still love you.

Ron has given more than 200 talks and has reached more than 10,000 people across the country.

Big love to Ron as he continues to spread compassion, authenticity and love!

How can you use your power to join Ron to build, as he says, “A safer and more embracing place for people of all sexual orientations and gender identities?”

Take Action:
1. Learn more about Ron’s work and use your power to help:

2. Send him an email at to be placed on his email list for links to free videos and free copies of his electronic books coming out over the coming months.

3. Follow him on twitter at @DrRonHolt to retweet his positive messages for LGBT youth.

4. Reach out to friends and family who may be struggling to let them know you love them as they are.

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